
Monday, 3 February 2014

How to LOOK like a toy cat

EARTHA TOY CAT says- NOW its purrrfectly reasonable to not want to look like a boring biped. Covered in icky skin (yeah yeah we know Sphinx cats are copying the human look) and imagine! They have to wear clothes every day and we can go round in the fur, nude, and not be arrested. Hurrah. Which sounds like Hussar, and leads me onto Cossack hats.


Jasmine (our lovely friend and er "helps" us write as our claws have been freshly cat-icured) is not content with looking feline like, like a brunette Persian cat. She wants to be a toy cat. So I graciously gave her some kitty cat fashion tips including wearing a cossack hat. The white gives her an Aurora cat look and the black coat gives her an Eartha feel. Meeoomeowww. All she has to do now is sit perfectly still for the rest of her life and she has passed the toy cat test!


Which brings me onto the subject of makeovers. Now we know Persita is a bit ragged and grey...

PERSITA TOY CAT says- Ah ya black furry big bad menace well at least I dont look like a giant furry piece of coal! You look like something a mean Scottish man would give as a Xmas present.

EARTHA says- And you look like something he would reject. Meow! Check out this video of Aurora giving Persita a makover with squirty eye cream and cult rose flower hit the head treatment. She ends up looking like toothpaste, David Bowie in 1974 and a clown cat. Also one of me and Aurora dressed as Grace Kelly and Ava Gardner.


Meow ciao for now!


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Aurora, Eartha, Sagwa and Persita (and I) would love to hear your comments and suggestions- keep it nice! Thank you.